Equatorial Kenya offers the best of both worlds: a huge variety of game reserves, landscapes and natural beauty are the ideal home to some of Africa's most abundant wildlife herds ... and its endless white beaches, lapped by the balmy Indian Ocean is perfect for an unforgettable 'beach and bush' holiday.

Kenya is vast. It has an amazing variety of landscapes - from endless grassy plains, studded with the occasional Acacia tree, to riverine forests, snow-capped mountains, semi-deserts and high-lying moorlands, bordered to the east by endless palm-fringed beaches with dazzling white sands ...

Kenya has a rich safari history (in fact, the word safari comes from the local Swahili and means 'journey'), highlighted in movies like Out of Africa and White Mischief. Between July and October it's also home to one of the natural wonders of the world - The Great Migration - when over 1.5 million wildebeest, zebra and other large plains animals migrate in search of better grazing, with predators in their wake - on land, and in the crocodile-infested waters they must cross.

The biggest consideration/drawback when it comes to planning your Kenyan safari is that it is such a popular destination. During peak seasons you could be literally elbow-to-elbow with thousands of visitors vying for the best views of The Great Migration. This is usually between July to September, and then over the Christmas/New Year holidays. But with careful planning, avoiding congested areas and using our insider knowledge of where to go, and when, you'll enjoy a breathtaking safari in one of the best safari destinations Africa has to offer. Spectacular wildlife, incredible scenery, fascinating cultures, picture-postcard beaches ... Kenya has them all.

We are not limited to the itineraries listed below - these are just a couple of examples. Our forte is to design bespoke safaris to meet your exact requirements. Contact us for a detailed, personalised quote with no obligation.

Found 4 Results
Feature budget masai mara safari game drive
6 Day Masai Mara Budget Safari
6 days
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Our 6-Day Masai Mara Budget Safari delivers some of the best game viewing opportunities in East Africa, for an affordable price. This fully guided, small group safari overnights in eco-friendly, en-suite tents along the banks of the Talek River on the edge of the Masai Mara National Reserve. Book early to avoid disappointment!

Feature 6 day masai mara wildlife safari entim camp masai mara kenya
6 Day Masai Mara Wildlife Safari
6 days
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This affordable 6-Day Masai Mara Wildlife Safari takes you on the journey of a lifetime to one of the best game viewing areas in East Africa. Our small-group safari is fully guided and overnights in a luxury tented safari camp located in the heart of the Masai Mara National Reserve on the edge of riverine woodlands that overlook the Mara River. To avoid disappointment, be sure to book early!

Mother and Calf Giraffe at Sunset in Laikipia, Kenya
7 Day Classic Kenyan Conservancy Safari
7 days
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Our 7 Day Classic Kenyan Conservancy Safari combines two of the most popular travel regions in Kenya — Laikipia and the Masai Mara. The Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Laikipia, central Kenya, offers 365 km² of quality game viewing. Spend three nights at Kicheche Laikipia, situated at an active waterhole with frequent visits by elephant, black rhino, plains game and a wealth of birdlife. Then fly down the Rift Valley to an exclusive conservancy near the Maasai Mara National Park. Only a few vehicles are permitted here. Enjoy unhindered views of spectacular wildlife in some of the most breathtaking African scenery.

Safari on Foot 7 Day Kenyan Adventure Safari
7 Day Kenyan Adventure Safari
7 days
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Our 7 Day Kenyan Adventure Safari Tour introduces you to the wilder side of Kenya on an affordable budget. Explore Laikipia Plateau's sweeping plains on foot, where the last of Kenya's African wild dogs have found refuge. Discover why the Masai Mara's lush grasslands, acacia woodlands, rolling savannahs and abundance of wildlife make it one of Africa's most iconic safari destinations. In season, witness one of the world's natural wonders, the Great Migration, where one and a half million wildebeest, zebra and antelope leave the Serengeti for the Masai Mara.
